Voices of Hope – Michael M.

“After 27 years of addiction, 2 years of living on the streets, and 6 visits to jail, I finally decided to enroll at Operation New Hope. There, I was given the opportunity to learn things I had long forgotten – things like resume writing and job interview skills. But the most important part of the […]

Voices of Hope – Alfredo D.

Alfredo in the kitchen at Clara White Mission where he now teaches culinary courses.  “I’ve been working as a chef most of my life, earning a great living. But when Covid happened and we lost a major account, I didn’t have much money coming in, got behind, and couldn’t pay for things like updating my […]

Voices of Hope – Jazmin Y.

“I am originally from New York and moved to Florida when I was 17 years old, a senior in high school. I got into an unhealthy relationship that lasted 7 or 8 years. We had a bad breakup, which led to me doing time. While I was in prison, I heard about Operation New Hope […]

Voices of Hope Update-Father’s Day Edition with Fazil L.

Founded in March 1999, Operation New Hope is celebrating our 25th anniversary this year, commemorating our legacy of transformative impact on the people and communities we serve. To mark this momentous occasion, we reached out to some of our former clients to see how they are doing now. Years after returning home, they are still […]

Voices of Hope – James M.

“I was born in the project, grew up in poverty, and my whole family sold drugs. Even though I was a straight A student, I was living in a polluted environment, so I started hanging out with the wrong crowd. I got caught up in the street life and started doing robberies. I went to […]

Voices of Hope Update- Crystal C.

Founded in March 1999, Operation New Hope is celebrating our 25th anniversary this year, commemorating our legacy of transformative impact on the people and communities we serve. To mark this momentous occasion, we reached out to some of our former clients to see how they are doing now. Years after returning home, they are still […]

Voices of Hope – Chimekie J.

“After leaving a women’s residential facility, I went to Angel’s of Mercy transitional home in Sanford, Florida. A lot of the women living there have gone through the Ready4Work program at Operation New Hope and recommended I do the same. At first, I was worried it was going to be just like every other program, […]

Voices of Hope Update – Aaron F.

In celebration of Operation New Hope’s 25th Anniversary and Second Chance Month (April), we reached out to some of our former clients to see how they are doing now. Years after returning home, they are still applying what they have learned during their time here at Operation New Hope to achieve success and build a […]

Voices of Hope Update – Rachel

In celebration of our 25th anniversary and Second Chance Month, we are commemorating our legacy of transformative impact on the people and communities we serve. We reached out to some of our former clients to see how they are doing now. Years after returning home, they are still applying what they have learned during their […]

Voices of Hope Update – Aaron H.

Founded in March 1999, Operation New Hope is celebrating our 25th anniversary this year, commemorating our legacy of transformative impact on the people and communities we serve. To mark this momentous occasion, we reached out to some of our former clients to see how they are doing now. Years after returning home, they are still […]

Voices of Hope Update – Charlotte

Founded in March 1999, Operation New Hope is celebrating our 25th anniversary this year, commemorating our legacy of transformative impact on the people and communities we serve. To mark this momentous occasion, we reached out to some of our former clients to see how they are doing now. Years after returning home, they are still […]

Voices of Hope – Julien K.

“As I was preparing to complete my 10-year prison sentence, I met Ronnie Cage from Operation New Hope at a reentry seminar at Lake Butler RMC. The Ready4Work program sounded like it was just what I needed after release, but my release officer said that I didn’t qualify for the program. So I went back […]

Voices of Hope – Willie T.

“Before Operation New Hope, I was homeless and going to various programs and community resource centers to get shoes, clothing and meals. I really wasn’t in a good place, but I have always tried to lived by the philosophy that life is neither good nor bad, it’s what you make of it. So I was […]

Voices of Hope – Candace C.

“I’m a 38 year-old mother of 8 children who was never a heavy drug user until my husband and I separated after 22 years of marriage. I felt so scared and alone and threw myself into drugs and sex, but it didn’t get me anywhere except arrested for drug possession with intent to sell and […]

Voices of Hope – David P.

“I’m originally from Bradenton, Florida and started using drugs because it was the only escape route I knew. If I couldn’t get it, I’d find a way to take it. The day I went to jail, I lost everything. I hurt the person I cared about the most and that hurt me. It broke my […]

Voices of Hope – Asia V.

“Before Operation New Hope, I was drug addicted, living on the streets, in an abusive relationship, and involved in human trafficking. My environment and the risks I was taking were very dangerous. I heard about the Ready4Work program when I was in jail in 2019, and it sounded like a great starting point from which […]