Celebrating InsideOut Dad Graduates at Baker Correctional

Operation New Hope’s Case Manager Ronnie Cage was onsite at Baker Correctional Institution to celebrate the graduates who successfully completed the InsideOut Dad program. Cage stated, “This was the longest InsideOut Dad class ever offered since it was stopped on two occasions due to the COVID restrictions at Baker.  The class started on June 25, 2020 & ended on February 4, 2021.”

“We started out with 15 fathers, but due to classes shutting down for several weeks at a time some of our guys were released from BCI, and therefore didn’t get to graduate” Cage added.

The National Fatherhood Initiative (NFI) developed the first edition of the InsideOut Dad program in 2005 to address a gap in quality fatherhood programs with proven effectiveness that help incarcerated fathers to become better dads while on the inside and, for those fathers who will be released, that help continue their growth as dads when they’re on the outside. 

NFI developed the InsideOut Dad program based on a philosophy that supports the growth and development of fathers and children as caring, compassionate people who treat themselves, others, and the environment with respect and dignity.  This philosophical basis of caring and compassion forms the underlying structure that constitutes the values that are taught in the InsideOut Dad program. 

Operation New Hope has been delivering the InsideOut Dad program inside correctional facilities since 2014 as part of our mission to break the cycle of generational incarceration. Ronnie Cage works with incarcerated fathers to help foster the skills needed to be an effective father preparing them for their eventual release and reunification.


“As I stated to the fathers during our graduation, this was the most significant graduation to me because we didn’t quit!” said Cage. “As a father, you should always finish what you start!”


Despite the challenges presented by COVID-19, our Ready4Release team continues to provide face-to-face services at facilities across North Florida and is working on securing access to more facilities to prepare more returning citizens. We would like to thank our partners at the Florida Department of Corrections for working with us to help facilitate a smooth transition back into the community. 

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