Celebrating Six Months Serving Central Florida

To meet the critical needs of the thousands of people who return home every month from Florida’s jails and prisons, Operation New Hope opened our newest program location in Orlando in September 2022 as part of our Statewide Reentry Network. After 6 months of delivering our nationally-recognized Ready4Work reentry program and providing holistic solutions for citizens returning to Central Florida, we are happy to report on our community impact.

  • We have enrolled 120 clients in our Ready4Work Orlando reentry program creating jobs and restoring families.
  • Our dedicated Case Managers have provided over 415 hours of individualized support to help clients develop and achieve short and long term goals focused on reentry success.
  • Our Licensed Mental Health Therapist has delivered over 152 individual and group counseling sessions to help clients address the root causes of their involvement with the criminal justice system and break the cycle of addition and incarceration.
  • We have provided nearly $160,000 in housing assistance which allows clients to focus on securing living wage employment and become self-sufficient. 
  • We have spent close to $10,000 on Bus and Sunrail passes so clients have access to reliable transportation. 
  • Ready4Work clients are earning an average starting wage of $15.05 per hour after receiving valuable Career Development and Vocational Training. 

In just 6 short months, our Ready4Work Orlando program has created opportunities for people to become productive, responsible citizens after incarceration saving taxpayers millions of dollars by reducing recidivism, improving public safety, and reuniting families. We are so thankful for all the welcoming support we have received from community partners in Central Florida. These strategic partnerships with local businesses, community-based organizations, workforce alliances, educational institutions, and the judicial system are helping us build stronger communities and create opportunities for second chances. 

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