Our Impact

What We Do Works!

“A lot of people have judged me by my past rather than looking at what I could be. But Operation New Hope was different. They taught me that you can have a Second Chance. I learned you can’t make excuses. You have to keeping moving and it’s never too late. There is hope!”
Richard S.
Ready4Work Graduate

Working in collaboration with the Department of Corrections, we deliver pre-release services to over 20 facilities in Florida. Our dedicated Ready4Release Case Managers bridge the reentry divide to ensure adequate housing, transportation, and job training.

Participants in our free Ready4Work program receive training, job placement, financial benefits, support services, housing and transportation assistance – everything needed to build a new future after involvement with the criminal justice system.

Our newest program – Ready4Success – delivers first-class case management, career development, and other crucial program services in a blended service model that is innovative, effective, and primarily virtual.  

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