Operation New Hope provides support and training to people impacted by the justice system, connecting them to the workforce, their families, and communities.
Operation New Hope strengthens our community by empowering people to break the cycle of poverty and incarceration.
At Operation New Hope, we believe that we are all better than our worst mistake, worst day, or worst decision. We believe in people’s ability to learn from their errors and transform their lives through commitment and hard work.
We are honest, respectful, and forthright in our actions, adhering to the highest ethical standards. We listen and learn from each other and align ourselves with partners to leverage our collective capabilities in creating an inclusive environment. We are passionate about our mission, committed to our communities and work every day to earn their trust.
We provide support, life and job skills training for people affected by the criminal justice system and place them in employment that offers a sustainable quality of life.
Home Office
1830 North Main Street
Jacksonville, Florida 32206
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