Being in the business of hope is so rewarding! At Operation New Hope, we are so fortunate to witness personal transformations daily and to champion our clients’ successes.
The below letter was received from Joseph “Red” May after he graduated from our Ready4Work program in St. Johns County. He rode is bike over 4.5 miles each way each day to attend Ready4Work. He was never late and never complained. His words of thanks are real proof that Second Chances Matter! We are so thankful to Red for taking the time to share his gratitude with us and wish him all the best!
Thank all of you for your support through this.
I’m trying to change my life in a positive way! Its very hard as many of you know for convicted felons too get decent jobs. Juggling all of this in early recovery and life is a everyday battle! But I know I will succeed, if I apply myself and continue too stay sober.
Ultimately help others like myself find their true selves and be successful also. I am very impressed with Operation New Hope, and will not hesitate to send someone else your way.
Thank all of you again. I’m forever grateful…
Oh yeah, every one of the staff at the St. Augustine Operation New Hope literally went way beyond doing their jobs! I mean they really cared for my well-being, and really were caring and great people that I trusted to be around! I wish all people were understanding and caring like the staff there.
So Steven, Joy, Susan, and the rest of the staff, I will never forget you, and will always remember how dedicated you all are.
At Operation New Hope, we believe that we are all better than our worst mistake, worst day, or worst decision. We believe in people’s ability to transform their lives through commitment and hard work. We see it every day, in clients just like Red, as we support their reentry and growth.
We provide support, life and job skills training for people affected by the criminal justice system and place them in employment that offers a sustainable quality of life.
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Jacksonville, Florida 32206
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