Ready4Release Now Available at Clay County Jail

In partnership with the Clay County Sheriff’s Office, Operation New Hope is pleased to announce that we will now be offering our Ready4Release Career Development Reentry Training program to people prior to release from the Clay County Jail. Our experienced team of reentry professionals will provide Employability Skills Training and individualized Case Management to people currently serving jail time in Clay County.

Operation New Hope and the Clay County Sheriff’s Office have a shared mission of helping people rehabilitate, successfully return to the workforce and our communities, and not reoffend. With over 24 years’ experience providing job readiness training and reentry services in Northeast Florida, Operation New Hope has been recognized as one of the most experienced and credible organizations in the country that provides reentry services.

We have now helped over 10,000 people reconnect to the workforce, their families, and our communities. Our work has been praised by the last four White House Administrations, as well as federal, state, and local representatives, law enforcement officers, and business leaders.

“We know that without results driven reentry programs that provide the skills needed to be successful at work after release, communities experience higher rates of crime, homelessness, unemployment, family instability and recidivism, all of which are drains on the local tax base and overall economy.

We are excited to now offer our reentry training and support to people before leaving the Clay County Jail so that they will gain the skills and motivation need to work towards a better life.”

said President and CEO Reggie Fullwood.

“This year alone, our jail population in Clay County has averaged over 470 inmates daily. We know the vast majority of those incarcerated in our county jail will serve their sentences and return to our community. By partnering with Operation New Hope, we hope to bring life-changing opportunities to incarcerated individuals…

…we must do our part to ensure that they become productive citizens once released. Participants in the Operation New Hope program will be provided job readiness skills and support to help them secure employment opportunities… It is important to know that the program is funded by the Inmate Welfare Fund, a fund whose purpose is to improve inmate work-readiness and reduce recidivism. We look forward to this Partnership with Operation New Hope.”

stated Sheriff Michelle Cook of the Clay County Sheriff’s Office. The Ready4Release Career Development Reentry Training program is set to launch on October 30, 2023, at the Clay County Jail.

We are so thankful for the partnership with the Clay County Sheriff’s Office and look forward to reporting on this innovative program’s impact. 

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