A Thanksgiving Gift of Hope: Operation New Hope and Society of St Vincent de Paul Join Forces

Thanksgiving is a time of gratitude, family, and togetherness. However, for some individuals who have been involved with the criminal justice system, the holiday season can be a challenging and lonely time. Fortunately, we have teamed up with the Society of St Vincent de Paul to bring joy and support to these individuals and their families. Through the generosity of the Society, Operation New Hope clients received $50 Publix gift cards just before Thanksgiving, ensuring that each family had the means to celebrate the holiday with food on their tables.

The $50 Publix gift cards provided by the Society of St Vincent de Paul were more than just monetary donations; they symbolized hope, compassion, and the belief in the power of second chances. For many recipients, this gesture marked the first Thanksgiving they were able to spend with their children in years. It not only provided them with the means to put food on the table but also served as a reminder that their community cared about their well-being.

We hope you enjoy this holiday season as much as we are and take time to reflect on all we have to be grateful for. 

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