Voices of Hope – James M.

“I was born in the project, grew up in poverty, and my whole family sold drugs. Even though I was a straight A student, I was living in a polluted environment, so I started hanging out with the wrong crowd. I got caught up in the street life and started doing robberies. I went to […]

Food Donation Helps Parents Restore Relationships with Children

Spring break is one of the hungriest times of year for many children in Florida. School meal programs provide meals while school is in session, but when the doors are closed, families are forced to figure it out or go without. This year-round issue burdens parents as they attempt to navigate the pains associated with […]

Voices of Hope – Willie T.

“Before Operation New Hope, I was homeless and going to various programs and community resource centers to get shoes, clothing and meals. I really wasn’t in a good place, but I have always tried to lived by the philosophy that life is neither good nor bad, it’s what you make of it. So I was […]

Voices of Hope – Candace C.

“I’m a 38 year-old mother of 8 children who was never a heavy drug user until my husband and I separated after 22 years of marriage. I felt so scared and alone and threw myself into drugs and sex, but it didn’t get me anywhere except arrested for drug possession with intent to sell and […]

Celebrating Six Months Serving Central Florida

To meet the critical needs of the thousands of people who return home every month from Florida’s jails and prisons, Operation New Hope opened our newest program location in Orlando in September 2022 as part of our Statewide Reentry Network. After 6 months of delivering our nationally-recognized Ready4Work reentry program and providing holistic solutions for […]