Second Chance Supporter – FINFROCK

Every season, bowling teams from different companies in Central Florida compete against each other to win the ultimate goal – first place winners get to present the funds raised from the league participants to the nonprofit of their choice. We are so thankful that the good people over at FINFROCK won this year’s bowling tournament […]

National Association of Reentry Professionals Honors ONH

During our first Ready4Work graduation ceremony of 2023, the National Association of Reentry Professionals presented the Johnny & Julia Pace Award to our team, highlighting our work in the field of reentry. Every year, the National Associate of Reentry Professionals recognizes the work of four organizations across the country for providing excellent services bridging returning […]

Ready4Work Clients Giving Thanks

During this season of thanksgiving, our Ready4Work clients focused on the benefits of gratitude during this week’s art therapy session. In the group session, participants looked at research that shows how giving thanks increases happiness and reduces depression.  The group also discussed how grateful people are more likely to behave in a prosocial manner, even […]

Opening Ready4Work Orlando

To meet the critical needs of the thousands of people who return home every month from Florida’s jails and prisons, we have created a strategic plan that expands our programs with additional locations to create a statewide reentry network. We are excited to open our newest office in Orlando in August 2022 to deliver our […]

Operation New Hope Announces Ready4Work Central Florida

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 31, 2022 Operation New Hope Announces Ready4Work Central Florida Jacksonville, Florida – In celebration of Second Chance Month, Operation New Hope is excited to announce that we will be opening a new office in Orlando this summer to meet the needs of thousands in Central Florida who have been impacted by […]