New Partnership: Clothing with Purpose for Returning Citizens

At Operation New Hope, we’re always looking for new ways to support our clients as they transition from incarceration back into their communities. Today, we’re excited to announce a new partnership with Presbyterian Social Ministries (PSM), a Jacksonville-based organization that shares our commitment to helping individuals rebuild their lives. A couple of weeks ago, our […]
A Warm Gesture: Bombas Donates 2,000 Pairs of Socks to ONH Clients

Bombas has once again demonstrated their commitment to being Second Chance Supporters with a generous donation of 2,000 new pairs of socks to Operation New Hope. Many of our clients return home with little more than the clothes on their backs, making new, clean clothing essentials vital for their success in finding jobs and rebuilding […]
Good Partnerships Spread Goodwill

Operation New Hope is pleased to announce our new partnership with Goodwill. Ready4Work clients can now receive a Goodwill gift card to be used at any of the Northeast Florida Goodwill stores to meet their clothing needs.