Education, Employment and Second Chances Matter!

Susan Kowalski, Operation New Hope’s Deputy Director of our READY4WORK Space Coast program location, attended the Florida Prison Education Project (FPEP) Open House last week at the University of Central Florida (UCF). Founded in 2017, FPEP is an initiative of the University of Central Florida that seeks to offer a high-quality undergraduate education to people […]
Space Coast Ready4Work Director Honored by Florida Council on Crime and Delinquency

On August 23, 2023, the Florida Council on Crime and Delinquency honored Jarvis Wash with the Reentry Award for his impact in the field. For over 10 years, Jarvis has been connecting returning citizens with vital post-release services like housing, cognitive-behavioral intervention, health care, job placement and training. Jarvis recently joined the Operation New Hope […]
The Importance of Second Chances: On Stage at The 5 & Dime

The set of Clyde’s Tanaine Jenkins and Amanda Mahan at The 5 & Dime Theater ONH at The 5 & Dime Ever wonder how hard it is to get and keep a job after prison? Well wonder no more because the talented cast of Clyde’s at The 5 & Dime Theater does a great job showing […]
Hope Starts Here 5k = Great Event!

On a beautiful May morning, runners and walkers of all ages gathered in historic Springfield to race for HOPE. Operation New Hope was thrilled to welcome over 350 participants to our inaugural Hope Starts Here 5k on May 21, 2022. After a competitive 1-mile Fun Run and 5k event, participants recharged with Breakfast and Brews […]
May is Mental Health Awareness Month

Since 1949, May has been observed as Mental Health Awareness Month. At Operation New Hope, we focus on the mental health of our clients every day, but we take this month to focus on prevention, stigma reduction, and mental health advocacy. We hope you’ll join us. Each client enrolled in our Ready4Work reentry program is […]
Second Chance Supporter – Mayo Clinic

As we continue our celebration of Second Chance Month, we are pleased to highlight Mayo Clinic for being a Second Chance Supporter. We are so thankful for their investment in our work and for their commitment to making our community healthier and stronger. Mayo Clinic’s primary value is the needs of the patient come first. As […]
Voices of Hope – Robert B.

“I was a medically retired combat veteran working as a supply and logistics manager when I got into trouble. I knew better, but I broke the law trying to help my sick mother, and I was sentenced to prison. I had no idea how badly a felony conviction would affect my future. The harsh truth […]
Voices of Hope – Ricky B.

“I was in prison for 12-13 years, wrongly accused of something I didn’t do, and I had no intention of doing the right thing when I got out. I figured I would just go right back, because there wasn’t anything for me on the outside anyway. But then I met the guys from Operation New […]