Education, Employment and Second Chances Matter!

Susan Kowalski, Operation New Hope’s Deputy Director of our READY4WORK Space Coast program location, attended the Florida Prison Education Project (FPEP) Open House last week at the University of Central Florida (UCF). Founded in 2017, FPEP is an initiative of the University of Central Florida that seeks to offer a high-quality undergraduate education to people […]

Space Coast Ready4Work Director Honored by Florida Council on Crime and Delinquency

On August 23, 2023, the Florida Council on Crime and Delinquency honored Jarvis Wash with the Reentry Award for his impact in the field. For over 10 years, Jarvis has been connecting returning citizens with vital post-release services like housing, cognitive-behavioral intervention, health care, job placement and training. Jarvis recently joined the Operation New Hope […]

Second Chance Supporters – Open Road Bicycles

Open Road Bicycles in San Marco spearheaded an effort to donate bikes for Operation New Hope’s Ready4Work clients. When the owner of the bike shop located in the Miramar shopping center, Scott Gross, heard about the need for transportation so that the nonprofit’s clients could get to work after incarceration, he networked with the other […]

Voices of Hope – Aaron H.

“I moved out when I was 16 years old, and I got caught with armed burglary charges. I was sent to a youthful offender camp and was released in 1999. I stayed out of trouble until 2009 when I got into opiates. I was doing stupid stuff like selling pills and ending up getting caught […]

Voices of Hope – Matt C.

Matt is building a new life for himself and his family. “Before coming to Operation New Hope, I was homeless, unemployed, and addicted to drugs. I knew I needed help, but I wasn’t sure where to turn. My daughter’s mom Kate enrolled in the Ready4Work program and told me it was helping her change her […]