Orlando Utilities Commission Donates over 1,000 Hygiene Kits to Operation New Hope

On Saturday, June 22, the spirit of generosity was on full display as employees from the Orlando Utilities Commission (OUC) gathered to assemble 1,000 personal care packages for Operation New Hope.  The event brought together employees from various departments, all united by a common purpose: to make a positive impact on the lives of individuals […]

Voices of Hope – Willie T.

“Before Operation New Hope, I was homeless and going to various programs and community resource centers to get shoes, clothing and meals. I really wasn’t in a good place, but I have always tried to lived by the philosophy that life is neither good nor bad, it’s what you make of it. So I was […]

Ready4Work Orlando Celebrates First Year

To meet the critical needs of the thousands of people who return home to Central Florida every month from jail and prison, Operation New Hope opened a new program location in Orlando in September 2022 as part of our Statewide Reentry Network. After our first year of delivering our nationally-recognized Ready4Work reentry program and providing […]