A Warm Gesture: Bombas Donates 2,000 Pairs of Socks to ONH Clients

Bombas has once again demonstrated their commitment to being Second Chance Supporters with a generous donation of 2,000 new pairs of socks to Operation New Hope. Many of our clients return home with little more than the clothes on their backs, making new, clean clothing essentials vital for their success in finding jobs and rebuilding […]
Orlando Utilities Commission Donates over 1,000 Hygiene Kits to Operation New Hope

On Saturday, June 22, the spirit of generosity was on full display as employees from the Orlando Utilities Commission (OUC) gathered to assemble 1,000 personal care packages for Operation New Hope. The event brought together employees from various departments, all united by a common purpose: to make a positive impact on the lives of individuals […]
Conser Moving Solutions Donates over 100 Books to ONH Library

The books that would go to Operation New Hope at the Conser Moving Solutions office. We are thrilled to extend a heartfelt thank you to the incredible team at Conser Moving Solutions for their generous donation of over 100 books to Operation New Hope last week! Since April, Conser Moving Solutions staff and their families […]
Race to Success: Highlights from Our 3rd Annual 5K Event

With over 350 runners and walkers participating, the 3rd annual Hope Starts Here 5K presented by Florida Capital Bank was a great success! We raised over $25,000 in celebration of our 25th anniversary! At the starting line, Reggie Fullwood, President and CEO of Operation New Hope said, “We do this because we want to raise […]
Celebrating Women in Construction

Since 1998, Women in Construction Week has celebrated and promoted the role of women in the construction industry, and our friends at Turner Construction are celebrating by donating 30 pairs of new women’s work boots and hundreds of new safety vests to support our Ready4Work female clients entering the construction industry. Turner’s team stopped by […]
Creating HOPE with Indigo Art Therapy

Operation New Hope teamed up with Indigo Art Therapy Studio to facilitate a special 5-week series of collaborative Arts and Wellness Group Workshops for clients at ONH’s Jacksonville location. The goal was to provide integrative community care that gives formerly incarcerated people a new sense of self, and a voice with which to express it. These workshops, […]
Orlando Showed Up to Race in Support of Hope

The Hope Starts Here 5k in Orlando was a great success! Participants and sponsors enjoyed a beautiful morning by Baldwin Lake while supporting efforts to reconnect people to the workforce, their families, and our communities after involvement with the criminal justice system. Thanks to everyone who came out to race in support of Second Chances […]
Second Chance Supporter – FINFROCK

Every season, bowling teams from different companies in Central Florida compete against each other to win the ultimate goal – first place winners get to present the funds raised from the league participants to the nonprofit of their choice. We are so thankful that the good people over at FINFROCK won this year’s bowling tournament […]
Voices of Hope – Indeah E.

“I’m from Jacksonville, grew up on the Eastside, and had a wonderful life. I was raised right, but went down the wrong path. I was introduced to alcohol at 8 and started using drugs at 11. After being gang raped at 12 years old, I ran away from home, got sex trafficked, and was doing […]
Second Chance Supporter – Sontag Foundation

In honor of its 20th anniversary, the Sontag Foundation hosted a celebration last night to highlight the various grant programs that they have supported over the years with over $10 million invested in our community. Operation New Hope was honored to be among the grant recipients. Our team extends our most sincere thanks to the […]
Second Chance Supporter – UPS

We would like to extend a big thank you to The UPS Foundation for their $25,000 grant in support of our workforce development training. This generous funding will be used towards our Ready4Work Vocational Training program to provide work attire, transportation assistance, and job skills training to formerly incarcerated individuals in Jacksonville, Florida. The primary […]
Thanks to Wells Fargo for Continued Support

Operation New Hope is excited to announce that Wells Fargo is continuing to support second chances with their latest grant of $25,000. Funding from Wells Fargo will be used to provide more affordable housing options to our clients. We are so thankful for this generous support of our life-changing programs that reconnect justice-involved individuals to […]
Second Chance Supporters – UNF Marketing Students

Students share jingle they made for Operation New Hope A wonderful finale to Second Chance Month, University of North Florida (UNF) students created clever marketing campaigns to promote the mission of Operation New Hope. Students from Dr. Courtney Azzari’s Consumer Behavior course were assigned a case study group project focused on the target markets of […]
Second Chance Supporter – Mayo Clinic

As we continue our celebration of Second Chance Month, we are pleased to highlight Mayo Clinic for being a Second Chance Supporter. We are so thankful for their investment in our work and for their commitment to making our community healthier and stronger. Mayo Clinic’s primary value is the needs of the patient come first. As […]
Second Chance Supporter – New Life Jax Recovery Services

Second Chance Month, observed in April, is a nationwide effort to raise awareness of the collateral consequences of a criminal conviction, and unlock second-chance opportunities for people who have completed their sentences to become contributing citizens. In celebration of Second Chance Month, our goal is to highlight community partners who support our mission by helping […]
Second Chance Supporter – Florida Capital Bank

April is Second Chance Month, a time when we celebrate those in our community who are committed to helping people make the most of their second chances following incarceration. This month, we are proud to spotlight Florida Capital Bank for their support of second chances. Florida Capital Bank has generously committed to being the title […]