You can view Kevin Gay’s recent article published on here: How Businesses Contribute To The Second Sentence of The Formerly Incarcerated

The Second Sentence of the Formerly Incarcerated – Kevin Gay

In the face of the pressing challenge of prison reform, it is crucial to define the problem and explore potential solutions. The failure of our correctional systems to rehabilitate has become evident, with mass incarceration affecting almost 2.2 million individuals in the United States. While progress is being made in some states, such as Texas and Pennsylvania, where prisons and jails are closing, there is a deeper issue that requires our attention—the “second sentence.” This stigma, imposed on formerly incarcerated individuals upon their release, perpetuates a cycle of marginalization. This article publish by Forbes shares the insights of Kevin Gay, the founder of our nationally-recognized Ready4Work reentry program, as he calls for a collective effort to challenge this stigma and create a fair and just society.

“Each person has their own calculation for deriving meaning and purpose in life. It could be spiritually based, it could be to provide economic benefit to dependents or it could be the pursuit of love, beauty and truth. Rarely is it ever a solitary adventure. The folks who come through our program appreciate the compassion they receive the moment they come in the door. For many of them, it is the first time they have had a support network of people. It’s relationship to people — not jobs, technology or handouts — that ignites the internal part of our character that we tap into to transform into our higher self.”

-Former CEO and Founder Kevin Gay

You can view the full article published on here:

How Businesses Contribute To The Second Sentence of The Formerly Incarcerated

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