Voices of Hope – James M.

“I was born in the project, grew up in poverty, and my whole family sold drugs. Even though I was a straight A student, I was living in a polluted environment, so I started hanging out with the wrong crowd. I got caught up in the street life and started doing robberies. I went to prison, but when I got out the first time, I went back to my old ways, and ended up right back inside. That’s when I realized that I had hit rock bottom. I had 3 reasons why I needed to change – my 3 kids – so I vowed to be different and committed myself to being a better father, family member, and citizen.

“I moved to Orlando for a fresh start and finally chose to go to rehab. After leaving rehab, I came straight to Operation New Hope and got help with everything I needed – sober living housing, training, and support. The staff was the best part and everyone at Operation New Hope was so supportive and caring.

“I took the Ready4Work program seriously because it was life or death for me. I graduated as Student of the Week and then enrolled in a 9 week vocational training program at the Home Builder Institute (HBI). I got up at 3:30 every morning to catch the bus to get there early because being on time is late. I worked hard in the HBI program and received certifications in Forklift, Intermediate Flaggers, OSHA 10, Green Building, and Carpentry. I graduated two weeks ago from HBI, and it was the first time I ever had a chance to wear a cap and gown. I now plan on getting into the carpentry apprenticeship program that starts in a few months.

“I’m still struggling with opportunities because of my record, but I know I’m going to be alright. I’ll be one-year sober on September 12 and continue to go to Recovery Connections and therapy at Operation New Hope. I am part of a church family now and give back by feeding the homeless. I have a great relationship with my kids who are now 12, 4, 3, and newborn. Everyone is so proud of me and that feels really good. I’m so grateful to my mother Marsha Denise Coger, my loving wife Anissa Dowe, and my supportive mother-in-law Luciana Slater. My goal is to start my own carpentry business, and because of all the training and support I have received from the team at Operation New Hope, I know that I can be a success.

At Operation New Hope, we believe that we are all better than our worst mistake, worst day, or worst decision. We believe in people’s ability to transform their lives through commitment and hard work. We see it every day as we support our clients’ reentry and growth. With the skills learned and confidence gained from our Ready4Release, Ready4Work and Ready4Success programs, our participants go on to become productive community members and build successful careers earning living wages. Read more stories of transformation, success and hope!

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