“Before Operation New Hope, I was homeless and going to various programs and community resource centers to get shoes, clothing and meals. I really wasn’t in a good place, but I have always tried to lived by the philosophy that life is neither good nor bad, it’s what you make of it. So I was trying to make the best of it, looking for the sunshine despite the gloom. But it can be really hard to get on track when you are worried about where you are going to stay. I had been running into so many closed doors that I had gotten discouraged.
“Fortunately, I happened to be at the right place at the right time and received information about the Ready4Work Orlando program. It sounded great – they would provide housing to help me get off the street and give me $100 a week – so I decided to man up and clean up, and I got accepted to the program. It’s been a beautiful ride since then.
“The Ready4Work team are some of the most sincere, kind, and caring people I have ever met. They treat you like family and are committed to helping people reach the next level. They encouraged me to get on the ball and get refocused. My Case Manager and Therapist were so supportive and my Job Coach helped me get a valid resume together.
“I graduated from the forklift operations class and landed a good job at Trulite Glass & Aluminum Solutions. I like my job and they like me, and in December, I will celebrate one year with the company. I’ve never been this consistent in employment ever before in my life! I recently received a raise and was even awarded MVP at work. My next goal is to earn my CDL so I can drive for the company I’m with and receive a pay increase.
“Things are really looking up! I need to give credit to the Almighty Father and my fiancée for the love and support. My fiancée has helped me develop a new philosophy – you can take your car to a car wash or to get it detailed, but there is a distinct difference between the two. I’m working to put the extra “detail” in everything I do now.”
At Operation New Hope, we believe that we are all better than our worst mistake, worst day, or worst decision. We believe in people’s ability to transform their lives through commitment and hard work. We see it every day as we support our clients’ reentry and growth. With the skills learned and confidence gained from our Ready4Release, Ready4Work and Ready4Success programs, our participants go on to become productive community members and build successful careers earning living wages. Read more stories of transformation, success and hope!
We provide support, life and job skills training for people affected by the criminal justice system and place them in employment that offers a sustainable quality of life.
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1830 North Main Street
Jacksonville, Florida 32206
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