Forklift Certification at Ready4Work Space Coast

Please join us in celebrating the 22 Ready4Work Space Coast clients who recently received their Forklift Certification. Partnering with the Florida Masonry Apprentice & Educational Foundation, Operation New Hope is helping to provide support and training that further empowers individuals seeking a second chance. The vocational training opportunities offered to our Ready4Work clients, including forklift certification, […]

Voices of Hope – Teresa G.

“I was born to addicts and came from a very broken, abusive home. I didn’t have hope. By the time I was 25, I had 4 kids. I had periods of sobriety, but struggled with my own addiction. My choices landed me in prison by the age of 28, and I was faced with a […]

Opening Ready4Work Orlando

To meet the critical needs of the thousands of people who return home every month from Florida’s jails and prisons, we have created a strategic plan that expands our programs with additional locations to create a statewide reentry network. We are excited to open our newest office in Orlando in August 2022 to deliver our […]